Bike Facts - Just the Facts Ma'am or Sir

Are you considering purchasing a pre-owned Bourget and the seller "has no information"? Do you own a Bourget and have "lost your paperwork"? We get several requests a week for information on bikes that are being offered for sale to the public and you can never be too careful. Alot of the calls we get the bikes are not even in fact Bourget's. Our Bike Facts service consists of copying and emailing the contents of the original bike file, up to and including any service history, accident reports, number of owners if recorded, the original Specification sheet, the original MSRP Invoice, original Engine and Transmission numbers, and verification of the VIN #. We never disclose the identity of prior individual owners but do release the original selling dealer information. Information in the files is provided for a flat fee of $50.00 regardless of the year of the bike and the content contained in the file. This information can be vital if you own a Bourget and are selling it and no longer have access to your original paperwork, or if you are considering purchasing a pre-owned vehicle and want to verify the information being provided to you by the seller.
All seller/buyer information is kept confidential and never disclosed to any outside parties.
The pre-filled form below must be submitted and you will be contacted within one business day to verify the information provided. The $50.00 Bike Facts fee can be paid through PayPal to or you can give a credit card over the phone when your information is verified. The Bike Facts file is then submitted to you via email within no more than 2 business days.
Please note that for even more specific information you can email pictures of the bike in question to us at A clear image of the left & right sides, front & back of the bike are always helpful. Submitting these photos helps us to compare the original spec sheet to the equipment visible on the bike now to ensure that it is OEM equipment or if items have been changed at some point in the bikes history. Missing factory parts or non original factory equipment may indicate many things that we can verify through the file. These things can change the value of the bike and/or the performance of the bike and we are happy to verify if it is still in original factory condition or has been modified. Should you have any questions our trouble filling out the form you can contact Brigitte at (623) 879-9642 or by email to
Buying and Selling pre-owned vehicles is always safer and less stressful when you have the Bike Facts.